1. In your Google Admin console
  2. Go to Domains > Manage Domains.
  3. In Manage domains, click Add a domain.
    The Add a Domain and Add a Domain Alias links are shown.
    Note: If you have the legacy free edition of G Suite, the "Add a domain" option isn't available.
  4. Enter the name of the domain.
    If you recently removed the domain from your Google Workspace account, you need to wait up to 24 hours before adding the domain. 
  5. Click Continue and verify domain ownership
    Follow the instructions to verify that you own the domain. For help, contact your domain host or support@whogohost.com
  6. After your domain is verified, set up email. Point your mouse cursor near the domain and click Set up Google MX records.
  7. Update the domain's MX records to set up Gmail for your secondary domain.
  8. Click I have completed these steps.

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